Misfit Mutts Dog Rescue began with a small group of six passionate individuals, united by our shared vision of transforming the lives of vulnerable, mistreated, unwanted, and abandoned dogs. Based in Green Bay, WI, we have made it our mission to rescue as many of these deserving animals as possible from the southern regions of our country. Our goal is to find each dog the perfect forever home within our caring community, ensuring that no dog ever faces abandonment again.
We specialize in rehabilitating the forgotten and overlooked, empowering them to become loving and respected members of society. Rescue is not just what we do; it’s who we are. Our hearts overflow with compassion, and we are committed to addressing the shortcomings of humanity by providing these animals with the love and care they deserve. We believe that as human beings, we can—and must—do better.
With the unwavering support of an incredible community of volunteers and generous donations, we strive to be the change the world needs in animal welfare. We invite you to join us in this vital mission and take pride in every single life we save. Together, we can make a difference. Though our team has grown to four dedicated board members, our mission remains the same. Together, we will continue to advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves and ensure a brighter future for all dogs in need.
Kayla – President, Adoptions Team, Vetting Coordinator
Megan – Adoptions Team
Lindsey – Foster Coordinator, Treasurer
Erin – Transport Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, Events
MMDR is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax deductible organization 83-2500341
State of Wisconsin licensed and inspected: 476511-DS
Powered solely by donations and dedicated volunteers.